Your Payment was received
New Member? You are Not Done Yet! You must complete your Profile. Check your Email in box and spam folder.
You will receive an email at the email address you used for your payment.
You will need to click on the link in that email to complete your registration user name, password, address, Tesla Model and other entries.
Be sure to look in the Spam or Junk folder for the email – you must click the link to continue your registration.
When click the link you will be directed to the registration form. You must complete that form with the your username, password and other additional information and Submit your data. After you complete the registration you will receive another email with your login information. You may log in after you complete the registration form.
Renewed Your Membership? If you have an account and Paid Your Annual Dues – Thank you!
If you used the same email at Paypal that you have in your TOCNM account, your account will be set to active and your membership level will be set depending on which PayPal Button you used. You should remain logged in. If not, you can now log in. If you do not see your new level in your profile or cannot log in, Contact and officer and the website manager will set your membership status based on you payment.